Sunday, October 31, 2010

Video: If You Think The Political Ads Are Vicious, Check Out Jefferson vs. Adams

The Telegraph helpfully provides the Top 20 best and worst political ads of 2010 US elections:, but to get the full flavor of what American political ads can sink to, try this:

Have this year's negative political ads really "taken dirty to a whole new level, as CNN's Anderson Cooper frets? Is a "return to civility...a relic of a bygone era," as President Barack Obama laments?

Er, not exactly.

If anonymous political speech, the other widely decried villain of this political season, helped found the United States, attack ads are as American as apple pie. If you fancy yourself a patriot or a history buff, you will most certainly approve this message, which is taken from statements made by, for, and against the nation's founders. For historical sources, go here.
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