Monday, November 01, 2010

Cast Your Vote--For Honest Reporting's 2010 Dishonest Reporting Awards

Each year, HonestReporting has their Dishonest Reporting Awards--their annual recognition of the year’s most skewed and biased coverage of Israel and the Mideast conflict.

Please choose one of the five nominees below, along with a briefexplanation why he/she/it deserves to receive our ignoble award. (You may also nominate someone else not on the list). Then send your submission to
The Nominees (in no particular order)
  1. BBC: For Panorama denying Jewish ties to Jerusalem, and Jeremy Bowenenjoying tensions with the US.
  2. Reuters photo desk: Poorly cropping Mavi Marmara photos, and suspicious access to the Lebanon border clash.
  3. Octavia Nasr: CNN editor fired over sympathy tweet for a dead Hezbollah leader.
  4. The Lancet: Throwing peer review out the window to skewer Israel.
  5. Time: For an imbalanced cover story claiming Israelis don't want peace.
We’ll announce the results at the end of year. Due to the volume of mail, we can't acknowledge nominations. See last year's "winners" -- and don’t forget to vote!
Oh, and don't forget to vote tomorrow either.

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