Sunday, November 07, 2010

From The 'Spite Your Face' Department: Arabs Stone Ambulances Helping

Hat tip to Legal Insurrection, who writes about Arabs stone Israeli ambulance saving the life of an Arab:
Jerusalem area Arabs once again have stoned two Israeli Magen David ambulances trying to help neighbors. This time, the medical rescue vehicles were trying to save an Arab boy who fell five floors from his home in El Azaria, a village between the northern Jerusalem neighborhood of French Hill and nearby Maaleh Adumim.

Magen David medics were resuscitating the youth when attackers began to pummel them with rocks from all directions, breaking the windshield.
Note that not only was it clear that this was an ambulance--the Arabs saw that the medics were working to save the life of the Arab boy. Yet the Arabs had no problem stoning the ambulance anyway.

The previous time they stoned an ambulance was last month.

As I've written before, there is a long, documented history of Arab schoolboys throwing stones at Jews going back to at least the 19th century--and even then it was referred to as an age-old tradition.

Then again, Muslims don't seem to have much respect for each other either--Muslims seem to have no problem burning each other's mosques. Legal Insurrection has been following these too--back in October, and again this month:
At least 65 people were killed Friday afternoon in a suicide bombing at a mosque in northwestern Pakistan filled with worshipers, the latest major terrorist strike on houses of worship in the country.

Pakistani television reported that militants also carried out a grenade attack on a mosque in the Badhber area outside Peshawar. According to initial reports, three worshipers were killed and 15 were injured in that attack Friday evening.
Legal Insurrection writes, tongue-in-cheek: "World outrage to follow."

World outrage!? How much outrage have we seen from the famous Arab street?
When they get it in their head to attack someone, they don't really care what the circumstances are.

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