Friday, November 05, 2010

Great Britain: Did It's Best To Prevent Re-establishment Of Israel, But Jumps To Recognize 'Palestine'

Arutz Sheva is reporting that Britain Signs 'Treaty Between Nations' with PA:
British Foreign Secretary William Hague signed a “treaty between nations” with Palestinian Authority leaders on Wednesday. “This agreement is the first ever bilateral treaty between the two nations,” the British Consulate-General site proclaimed.

The treaty covers cooperation in the film industry. Hague signed a similar agreement with Israel.

Aside from its reference to the “treaty between nations,” the UK Consulate site also referred to Hague's trip to visit PA leaders in Ramallah as “his first visit to Palestine,” apparently recognizing a new country of “Palestine” before even PA leaders have declared one to exist.
Ever since Great Britain bypassed its mandate from the League of Nations and created Transjordan out of 75% of the land that was supposed to be used for reestablishing the Jewish state--Great Britain just can't seem to stop itself from messing around with the Middle East.

The Balfour Declaration, The League of Nations, The San Remo Conference--these and more were not enough for Great Britain, but on a whim they will recognize a state that has not been declared yet.

I must admit though, given the Al Dura incident and other media manipulations, having a treaty with the West Bank Arabs covering cooperation in making movies is a nice touch.

In any case, the Arabs naturally claim that this is coming to them:
PA leaders, backed by the Arab world, say that Arabs from Judea, Samaria, Gaza, and within Israel share the unique “Palestinian” nationality and must have a country of their own – Palestine – in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza.
This however contrasts with an article from WAFA Palestine News Agency about an Arab poll which indicates that the majority of Palestinians don't primarily view themselves as Palestinians:
In a question about how the Palestinians identify themselves, the results reveal that 61% identify themselves as 'Muslims first”, 20% as 'Palestinians first', and 15% as 'human being first', and 3% as 'Arabs first.'
No matter--if you are an Arab or a member of the British government. After all, it's not about creating a state; it's all about delegitimizing Israel.

And no doubt the British, like the rest of Europe, have the money to burn to create this anomaly.
But do they really think that this will be enough to satisfy their Muslim population?

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