Thursday, December 02, 2010

Abbas: The Emperor Has No Clothes

Khaled Abu Toameh remains hard at work trying to tell people that Abbas and Fatah cannot deliver on peace:
A statement issued by the Fatah Revolutionary Council, which consists of more than 100 Fatah officials, said no to almost every proposal or idea that could have paved the way for some kind of a settlement between Israel and the Palestinians.
Here's the list:

  • No to recognizing Israel as a Jewish state;
  • No to any solution that calls for the establishment of a Palestinian state with temporary borders; 
  • No to the idea of a land swap between Israel and the Palestinians;
  • No to any resuming peace talks with Israel unless construction in settlements and east Jerusalem is halted;
  • No to understandings between Israel and the US regarding the future of the peace process; 
  • No to supplying Israel with US weapons;
  • No to recognizing the Western Wall's significance to Jews and 
  • No to a new Israeli law that requires a referendum before any withdrawal from Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.
Toameh notes:
With a position like this, it is hard to see how any progress could be achieved when and if the peace talks ever resume. What Fatah is actually saying is that Israel must accept 100% of our demands if it wants peace. This is the only "yes" that Fatah had to offer.
One would think that anyone following the attempts at Middle East peace would have noticed that in all the years as leader, Abbas has made no offer of his own, no concession, no confidence building measure in order to move the peace talks forward.

But oddly enough, everyone makes believe not to notice this--that Abbas has neither the ability nor the intent to make this peace happen.

The emperor has no clothes.

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