Saturday, December 04, 2010

Brazil Recognizes 'Palestine': "It Was The Natural Thing to Do" (Update: Contradictory)

Apparently, Brazil's recognition of a Palestinian state took the Obama administration by surprise. I don't know--maybe they've decided to rely on Wikileaks for their info.

Laura Rozen notes that Brazil is far from the first to recognize a Palestinian state:
Brazil was the last of the so-called BRIC nations [Brazil, Russia, India, China] to recognize Palestine. More than 100 countries, including almost all the African and Arab ones, had recognized it, "so it was the natural thing to do," a Brazilian official explained to POLITICO.
I thought this was a nice touch by the Brazilian president:
In bilateral contacts, the Brazilian Government has noted the successful efforts of the Palestinian Authority to boost the economy of the West Bank, provide services to its population and improve the security situation in the Occupied Territories.
No doubt, the Brazilian government will put its money where its mouth is and donate the funds to continue the efforts of the hardworking Palestinian Authority.

So much the worse for them.

Here is the exchange of letters between Abbas and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva:

03/12/2010 -
Letter from President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva:

"His Excellency
Mahmoud Abbas
President of Palestinian National Authority

Mr President,

I have carefully read the letter of 24 November, by which Your Excellency asks that Brazil recognizes a Palestinian state on 1967 borders.

As you know Your Excellency, Brazil has defended historically, and particularly during my government, achieving the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people to a cohesive state, secure, democratic and viable state living in peace with Israel.

We have endeavored to promote peace negotiations, seeking stability in the region and alleviate the humanitarian crisis by passing much of the Palestinian people. We condemn any terrorist acts committed under any pretext.

In recent years, Brazil has stepped up its diplomatic relations with all countries of the region, either by opening new positions, including a representative office in Ramallah, for a higher frequency of high level visits, as exemplified by my visit to Israel , Palestine and Jordan last March, or the deepening of trade relations, as shown in the series of free trade agreements signed or under negotiation.

In bilateral contacts, the Brazilian Government has noted the successful efforts of the Palestinian Authority to boost the economy of the West Bank, provide services to its population and improve the security situation in the Occupied Territories.

Considering that the request made by Your Excellency is fair and consistent with the principles advocated by Brazil to the Palestine Question, Brazil, through this letter, recognizes a Palestinian state on 1967 borders.

In doing so, I reiterate the understanding of the Brazilian government that only dialogue and peaceful coexistence with its neighbors will truly advance the Palestinian cause. I am sure that this is also the thought of Sir

The recognition of a Palestinian state is part of Brazil's conviction that a negotiating process leading to two States living in peace and security is the best path to peace in the Middle East, an objective that concerns all humanity. Brazil will be always ready to help you if necessary.

I wish you and the Palestinian National Authority in the conduct of a successful process leading to Palestinian state building democratic, prosperous and peaceful that we all aspire.

I take this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency my highest consideration. "
Here is the original letter from Abbas.
Letter from President Mahmoud Abbas to President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva

(Unofficial translation)

"His Excellency Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva President of the Federative Republic of Brazil Brasilia



Initially, we would like to extend our congratulations to Your Excellency for the success of the general elections in Brazil, commended for its high transparency and the high level of democratic process that led to the winning candidate of his party as the new President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. We are pleased to also welcome enthusiastically his government, witnessed a period of economic prosperity and political change qualitatively, which falls Your Excellency in modern political history of Brazil.

Mr President,

The current situation in the Palestinian Territories shows a major escalation of Israeli actions. The Government of Israel refuses to stop its activities in the settlements. That stalled the launch of direct negotiations, despite the views and requests from countries around the world to put an end to Israel settlements, and thus not only makes possible the negotiations, as well as give peace a chance. However, Israel still defies the world and insists its colonization activities. This position hinders any possibility of reaching an agreement through negotiations and also creates a new reality on the ground, which prevents the two-state solution.

While we express to you our pride of the brave and historic Brazilian-Palestinian relations, which reflect its strong positions in relation to our people over the years and our recent meetings, we hope, our dear friend, that you will decide to take the initiative recognize the state of Palestine within the 1967 borders. This will be an important and historic decision, why encourage other countries in their continent and elsewhere in the world to follow its position of recognizing the Palestinian state. This decision will lead also to advance the peace process and promoting the Palestinian position, which seeks international recognition of the Palestinian state. We hope that our request to receive your kind acceptance and we also hope that this initiative may be taken before the end of his presidential term.

Please accept the assurances of our highest consideration.

Mahmoud Abbas
President of the State of Palestine
Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Organization for the Liberation of Palestine President of Palestinian National Authority "
I'm not sure how, according to Abbas, recognizing a Palestinian state will "lead also to advance the peace process"--especially since recognition of the West Bank component of a Palestinian state implies a recognition of the Gazan component as well--along with the terrorist of Hamas in charge.

No doubt they'll iron that one out any day now.

UPDATE: Elder of Ziyon points out the contradiction in Brazil's recognition of a Palestinian state.

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  1. The words of praise for Brazil's democracy come as leaden irony from Abu Bluff, who is now the unelected dictator of the Palestinian Arabs.

    Perhaps someday, he'll try to seek a mandate - provided that's not just another bluff!


  2. What does it actually mean though? Ok you got a state. Now collect the garbage, run the post office, operate the power plant, issue credit, pave roads and such. They will find having a 'state' is a bit more than firing their AK's in the air and wrapping green rags 'round their heads. A declared Palestine will look like Somalia in two years. Which, if our liberal moral betters are honest, is just another quaint indigenous culture we must respect and appreciate!


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