Thursday, December 02, 2010

HonestReporting: Study Reveals Bias in Photo Coverage of Gaza #Flotilla

For Immediate Release
Dec. 2, 2010
Contact: Simon Plosker +972 54 5802030

A three-month study carried out by HonestReporting examining photo coverage of Israel and the Palestinian territories by the three international wire services - the Associated Press, Agence France Press/Getty Images and Reuters – reveals patterns of bias against Israel. Most of the bias fell into four categories:
  1. Use of wide-angle lenses and photographer positions to make photos appear more dramatic than the reality
  2. Photographers choosing positions that effect the events they are shooting
  3. Editorializing in photo captions
  4. Deliberate staging
The study did not reveal significant instances of photo manipulation through programs such as Photoshop.

The first part of the study, covering the Gaza flotilla, focuses mostly on images originating in Israel and the Palestinian territories. Although more than 2,000 local images were filed on the incident, virtually all depict Israel as the aggressor in the flotilla incident. Those that presented Israel’s perspective, such as images taken from IDF videos of the violence, carried labels questioning their veracity – labels that did not appear on other photos obtained in a similar manner.

Significant bias was also expressed through photo captions, many linking unrelated elements to the flotilla. For example, a photo shows a small child in a Gaza hospital one week after the flotilla took place. The caption then claims the flotilla had been carrying medical supplies, implying the baby was sick because of Israel and promoting the flotilla as humanitarian rather than political in nature.

To read the introduction to the study, click here.
To read Part One – The Gaza Flotilla, click here.

HonestReporting is the world’s largest media watchdog organization dedicated to ensuring that Israel is represented fairly and accurately in the media. HR monitors the media, exposes cases of bias, promotes balance, and effects change through education and action. Visit our website at
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