Monday, December 27, 2010

Iran Kills 20 Turkish Citizens--Why Hasn't Turkey Demanded An Apology?

Daily News Alert has the following translation of a Turkish article on Erdogan's silence in the face of the death of Turkish citizens at the hands of Iran:
Iran opened fire on Turkish villagers who crossed the border while following their livestock that ran away. One dead, one injured and one missing. The number of Turkish Republic citizens murdered by Iranian soldiers for this reason is 20. The government of the Turkish Republic is quiet about this. They probably do not want to upset Ahmadinejad. Must bullets come from Israel for Turkish corpses to become valuable?[emphasis added]
That's 20 Turks killed by Iran--and yet not a peep out of Erdogan.

The top of the page of the Turkish article has the following quote:
PRIME MINISTER Recep Tayyip Erdogan, during discussions in Parliament, said: "My voice just cuts the nation!"
Yeah, sometimes it cuts; other times it just cuts and runs.

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1 comment:

  1. Turkey demands the satisfaction of its honor only when its citizens are killed by Jews. When they're killed by their friends, there is thundering silence.

    Israel should never apologize to them for defending the lives of its soldiers. Hypocrisy aside, they don't deserve one.


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