Friday, December 03, 2010

Vahid Ebrahimi: Held By Iran--In Iraq

The following by Michael Ledeen is reposted with permission
A life depends on getting this out....please help.

by Michael Ledeen

Read this. And weep. It tells the heartbreaking story of an Iranian university professor–Vahid Ebrahimi–whose family has been singled out for attack by the Iranian regime (I don’t know why), who crossed the border into “free Iraq” to seek asylum. He was arrested and jailed in an Iraqi prison, within which there is an Iranian government office. So that officials of Iran determine the fate of Iranian refugees in Iraq.

I’m trying to get further information, but anyone in a position to help can contact the authors of the report. Their virtual location–the Iran Information Project–is in the linked document. I’ve spoken with the director, who seems serious and honorable.

As you know, I have always said that there will never be decent security in Iraq so long as the mullahs rule in Iran. This is just one more grim confirmation of the accuracy of that assessment. With “sovereignty” now in the hands of the Iraqis, their ability to resist Iranian demands is far less than it was when the country was under “American occupation.” Just ask the Iranian refugees, desperately looking for freedom from a regime that wants them broken or dead.

The same goes for Afghanistan, and if the Western world continues to dither about supporting democratic revolution in Iran, this dreadful state of affairs will spread to Lebanon, and thereafter to other Arab lands. You know, the ones whose leaders keep begging us to do something…But for now it would be a small but meaningful step forward if Secretary Clinton insisted on saving Professor Ebrahimi.

Faster, Please
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