Friday, January 21, 2011

Obama Getting Ready To Start Re-election Campaign

There was no reason to think he wasn't going to do it, but still--it felt odd to read that Obama is getting ready to run for re-election:
Obama Will Move Political Operations to Chicago

President Obama will close the office of political affairs at the White House in preparation for the establishment of his re-election headquarters, which will open its doors in Chicago by late March to concentrate on building a national fund-raising and grass-roots operation to rival his first campaign, aides said.

The president has signed off on the plan to set up his campaign headquarters away from Washington, a first for a modern-day presidential re-election campaign. To avoid turf battles, chaotic communications and duplicated efforts, aides said, a significant realignment is under way in the West Wing, with the duties of the political office being taken up by the Democratic National Committee.

Mr. Obama intends to make a formal declaration of his candidacy in about two months by filing papers with the Federal Election Commission, aides said. That step would allow him to raise money and hire a team of advisers, who would seek to make Mr. Obama follow Bill Clinton as the second Democrat since Franklin Delano Roosevelt to be elected twice to the White House.
This should be interesting.
Obama was elected president without having any real accomplishments.
Will he be able to get re-elected under those same circumstances?

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