Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sarah Palin? Maybe It's The Huffington Post With A "Jewish Problem"

Sarah Palin can do no right in the eyes of the left, so it was to be expected that when she used the term "blood libel" to describe the attacks accusing her of being the motivation behind the Arizona shooting--it was only a matter of time before the next salvo was fired.

Among those attacking Palin was The Huffington Post, referring to what it called Sarah Palin's Jewish Problem. The idea this time was to draw attention to the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, to which Palin belong--and point out anti-Semitic comments made by its members.

After all, we are judged by the company we keep.

And that brings us to The Huffington Post Monitor, which accepts the critique--but also notes The Huffington Post's Jewish Problem

It seems clear from this evidence that members of Sarah Palin's spiritual network do in fact have a Jewish problem, and as we are judged by the company in which we keep, so does Sarah Palin. But here's a question for you, what if we turn that lens on the Huffington Post? Let's see what I've summarized, shall we?

The Huffington Post has a wide variety of bloggers that spew all manner of hatred towards Jews and Israel.
And of course, this is in addition to the anti-Semitism you find in the comments section

So if you are looking at an introduction to the anti-Semtic bloggers who contribute to The Huffington Post, check out The Huffington Post Monitor's post for the list.

Because no doubt about it: The Huffington Post does have a Jewish Problem.

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  1. nader paul kucinich gravel mckinney9:40 PM

    "At one time she was very useful to Israel"

  2. At one point, Sarah Palin was a friend of Israel--and she still is.


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