Monday, January 24, 2011

The UN: Caught Between Turkel And Turkey When Carries Out #Flotilla Investigation

Turkey came out with their finding condemning Israel.
Israel has now come out with its finding that exonerates the IDF.

Now, as The New York Sun points out, The UN has to come out with it's own Mavi Marmara report, and appear neutral in the process:

The U.N. panel, which has long been waiting for Israel to issue its report before it could start its work in earnest, has no authority to conduct vast investigations on its own. Rather, the four-man board — presided by Prime Minister Palmer, former prime minister of New Zealand, and including President Uribe, the former leader of Colombia, in addition to one representative from each Israel and Turkey – will have to rely on Turkish and Israeli investigations.

Mr. Ban’s investigation, long resisted by Israel, finally got Jerusalem’s grudging approval last August. One of the arguments that Mr. Ban used to justify its establishment was that “neutral” United Nations findings would help in easing tensions between Israel and Turkey.

But now Messrs. Palmer and Uribe will have to do a lot of circle squaring to reconcile opposing versions of events — and no conclusion, no matter how well glossed-over, is likely to satisfy both sides. Rather than smoothing relations, the end result will reopen the debate and heighten the diplomatic tensions between Jerusalem and Ankara.
I don't know about you, but I'm not used to the idea of the UN having to keep up the appearance of actually being neutral. If true, this could get interesting.

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