Monday, February 21, 2011

IsraeliGirl: Appeasement 1938 vs. 2011

The following post is by IsraeliGirl and is reposted here with permission

On the streets of Tehran brave people are fighting for their freedom. Despite the rain, despite the tear gas, despite a stultifying security presence of police forces arresting protesters - the Iranians are not giving up.

World powers should support the frail call for freedom heard in Iran. The people under the cruel dictatorial regime of the Ayatollahs need all the help they can get to break free.

Instead we're seeing a rare meeting between Germany's Foreign Minister and President Ahmadinejad.
Leading Iranian exile opposition representatives called Guido Westerwelle's visit a "disgrace," saying Germany was bowing to the regime in a move that could deal a blow to popular protests gathering new steam amid the turmoil in the Middle East.

The Iranian regime is doing everything in it's power to stifle the protests. In addition, opposition elements are reporting that 1,500 Hezbollah men have also been asked to assist local forces to disperse protests.

Is this the time for appeasement? Is history forgotten so quickly? Germany today is acting like British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain did in 1938 as he shook Hitler's hand claiming peace with the dictator. We all know how that ended.

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  1. I don't know if you've ever read Ephraim Kishon but back in the 1970's he wrote a great piece in which he starts writing about how the Allies handed Czechoslovakia over to the Nazis but he writes he slowly changes names from 1938's ones to their equivalent American, Israeli and Arab counterparts in the late 1970's until finally he's switched over and is discussing the West's desire to hand Israel to the Arabs without even asking the Jews what they think.

  2. The world would like to hand over Israel to the Arabs.

    I mean its amazing the depth of the sick obsession with how many Jews should be allowed to live in Yesha while in Iran and Libya brave protesters lose their lives standing up to the regimes and no one cares.

    Not one Arab life has ever been lost because Jews lived next to them while on the other hand more Arabs are killed by fellow Arabs and this does not arouse any one's fury.

    That is how depraved the world's thinking is about the Middle East today.

  3. Nice article, thanks for the information.

  4. There are some lessons that are just never learned.

    It's not that they don't know the history--it's the self-interest that is not nearly as "enlightened" as these people think.


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