Sunday, February 20, 2011

PA Just Continues Its Non-Stop Incitement Of Hatred Against Israel

After all, why shouldn't it?

After all, it's not as if promises were made.
Both parties are taking some steps to help create an atmosphere that is conducive to successful talks, including President Abbas’ statement that he will work against incitement of any sort...
Special Envoy George Mitchell, May 9, 2010


And I say in front of you, Mr. President, that we have nothing to do with incitement against Israel, and we’re not doing that. What we care about is to live in coexistence with Israel, in order to bring about the independent Palestinian state that will live side by side with Israel in peace and stability.
Abbas, June 9, 2010
Since Abbas didn't keep his word then, there really is no reason to expect him to do anything to stop the incitement of hatred against Israel now, is there?--especially since Abbas has effectively scuttled the talks, after dragging his feet for so many months.

So this latest Palestinian tribute to terrorism is no surprise.

Adam Levick, of CiF Watch, writes that in Ramallah, the PA is dedicating another public square for a terrorist:
While in Ramallah on Thursday I noticed a public square which seemed dedicated to someone with a terrorist affiliation, and took this photo of the sign marking the site.

Sure enough, a friend who’s fluent in Arabic confirmed that the sign (in a prominent retail district) says:

Field Commander of the Al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigade in Ramallah

Commander Ayman Rateb Jabarin

who became a martyr on June 22, 2006

Field Commander Ayman Rateb Jabarin of the Al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigade in Ramallah: just your typical Palestinian role model.

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