Monday, February 14, 2011

Taliban Says Afghanistan Will Be The Next To Fall

The Taliban is claiming that of all Muslim countries where the regime is ripe to be overthrown by its people--Afghanistan will be the next to fall:
Mubarak's ouster on Friday after three decades in power demonstrates that "many weapons and soldiers and much foreign assistance cannot keep a regime in power and that they cannot always hinder the caravan of 'hope and demands' of a nation", the Taliban said on its website on Sunday, according to SITE Intelligence Group.

The Pashto-language statement said the Afghan people would rise up and overthrow the Kabul government due to its corruption and the "atrocities" committed by the United States in the country during a nearly decade-old military campaign.

The United States will eventually turn against Afghan President Hamid Karzai's government just as it did against Mubarak in Egypt, it continued.
I wonder if this is going to develop into some kind of contest for bragging rights as to whose regime falls next.

Apparently, the Taliban has been reading the US papers, because it seems they have picked up on the meme  that after the US abandoned Mubarak, they will be perceived as generally letting their allies down.

It remains to be seen whether the people of Afghanistan buy into that, though there have been indications that Arab countries in the Middle East are hedging their bets whether they can count on the US to counter the growing Iranian influence.

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