Friday, March 18, 2011

Intervention In LIbya: A Note Of Caution

Now we are assured that intervention in Libya will be clean, with no strings attached. Does anyone really believe that? As Peggy Noonan writes in her column, "So we wind up in long, drawn-out struggles when we didn't mean to, when it wasn't the plan, or the hope, or the expectation." Of course our armed forces will again perform brilliantly, and Qaddafi and his repellent mafia clan will be hanging from piano wire in no time. But everyone knows we'll end up staying to pacify the country, trying in vain to reconcile one gang of cretinous barbarians with the neighboring gang of cretinous barbarians. As loathsome as Qaddafi is and as richly as he deserves death, there's nothing happening in Libya that warrants even one American soldier risking a twisted ankle, let alone his limbs, his mind, or his life.
Mark Krikorian, Are We Dumber Than a Hamster?, The Corner

Let's hope Gadaffi's call for a ceasefire puts an end to this:

Libya declared an immediate cease-fire Friday, trying to fend off international military intervention after the U.N. authorized a no-fly zone and "all necessary measures" to prevent the regime from striking its own people. A rebel spokesman said Moammar Gadhafi's forces were still shelling two cities.
But don't count on it:
The United States said a cease-fire announcement was insufficient, calling on the regime to pull back from eastern Libya, where the once-confident rebels this week found themselves facing an overpowering force using rockets, artillery, tanks, warplanes.
After the long delay in intervening in Libya and finally going forward, the US may not about to close shop so easily.

Then again--the only leading role the US has taken so far is talking:
The U.N. Security Council resolution, which passed late Thursday, set the stage for airstrikes, a no-fly zone and other military measures short of a ground invasion. Britain announced that it would send fighter jets, Italy offered the use of its bases, and France made plans to deploy planes. The U.S., which has an array of naval and air forces in the region, had yet to announce its role.
See Mr. Krikorian--the US might be just as smart as a hamster!

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