Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Let No One Say Palestinian Incitement Doesn't Get Results: Israel Bus Bombing

Abbas's regular incitement of hatred against Israel continues to have results.

A bus blew up today in Jerusalem:
31 injured, 3 seriously in Jerusalem bus bombing

MDA says none killed; bomb inside bag exploded next to Egged bus 74 opposite Binyanei Ha'uma in central Jerusalem; 3 seriously injured, 5 moderately.

An explosion took place near a bus in central Jerusalem Wednesday afternoon.

Police said that a bomb exploded outside Egged bus number 74 at a station opposite the Jerusalem Conference Center (Binyanei Ha'uma) in the center of town.

Thirty people were injured in the attack. Three were injured seriously from the explosion itself, four moderately from shrapnel packed into the explosive device and the remainder in moderate to light condition.

All 30 of the injured were taken to Jerusalem area hospitals. All hospitals in the area were opened to receive casualties.

Police said that this was the first terrorist attack in four years that involved an explosion. At the moment, police were looking for one specific person who left the bag that contained the bomb.
The Muqata is liveblogging the bus bombing.

Israel Matzav is liveblogging the bus bombing as well.
His latest post:

Netanyahu leaving for Russia at 8:00. Israel Radio just ended open broadcast of updates from terror attack scene. That means things are going back to normal.
He also notes that according to reports, there has been one death--a woman

Check these 2 blogs out for the latest details.

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  1. This is only one attack in a very large war. We have a President who is very reluctant to enter into armed conflict, yet is dragged into one. (I am certain that he will not do it very well.)

    These wars and the attacks upon Israel are all connected. This war is going to become much larger before it is over.

  2. Israel is expected to ignore this Arab incitement and pretend peace is possible with people who see nothing amiss with murdering an elderly Jewish woman.

    That sums up the ethos of our time.


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