Friday, March 18, 2011

No Wonder Palestinian Minister Riyad al-Malki Thought Palestinians Didn't Slaughter Fogel Family!

The slaughter of people like this by Palestinians under the name of any national or for the purpose of revenge is unprecedented
Palestinian Minister of Foreign Affairs Riyad al-Malki on the Fogel Family Massacre

Actually, we must admit that al-Malki is right: the slaughter of the Fogel Family in Itamar by Palestinian terrorists is unprecedented--usually, the murders by Palestinian terrorists are done randomly.

For instance, you need not look any further than the most recent examples of Abbas and the Palestinian Authority inciting hatred and violence against Israel--just this month:

One day before terror attack in town of Itamar:
PA TV honors woman who drove
suicide terrorist to Sbarro bombing
Fatah: She is "heroic"

One week before terror attack in town of Itamar:
PA TV honors man who drove
suicide terrorist to Gilo bombing
Host: He is "heroic"

One day before the terror attack in the town of Itamar in which five members of an Israeli family were murdered in their home, PA TV broadcast a program honoring Ahlam Tamimi, the woman accomplice who drove the suicide terrorist to the Sbarro pizza restaurant in August, 2001. 15 people were murdered in the attack, 7 of them children.

One week before the terror attack in Itamar, PA TV honored another accomplice to a suicide attack. Fahami Mashahara drove a suicide bomber to Gilo in Jerusalem in 2001 who killed 19 and injured more than hundred. His daughter was invited to perform a song on PA TV.

Palestinian Media Watch has documented the ongoing Palestinian Authority policy of glorifying terrorists as role models.
Read the whole thing.

Palestinian terrorists do not usually go after a particular target--they prefer
  • suicide bombers who arbitrarily blow themselves up in public places
  • firing rockets from Gaza into public civilian areas
No wonder al-Malki was so confused!

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