Monday, March 21, 2011

Where's The Outcry: During Protests, 11 Year Old Syrian Dies Of Tear Gas Inhalation

Remember the outcry when it was claimed that tear gas used by Israel was responsible for the death of a Palestinian woman?
Israel investigates tear gas death of Palestinian protester

Jawaher Abu Rahmeh inhaled tear gas fired by soldiers at weekly protest in Bilin against Israel's West Bank barrier

The Israeli military has launched an investigation into the death of a Palestinian woman who was overcome by tear gas fired by soldiers at a West Bank protest.
What kind of worldwide condemnation can we expect, what sort of outrage by self-proclaimed human rights activists will we see, now that tear gas fired at protesters by Syria has killed an 11 year old:

Ya Libnan reports
11-year-old Syrian dies from attack on protesters

Mundhir Masalmi, 11, died today after suffering tear gas inhalation during a weekend demonstration in the southern Syrian city of Daraa, the Associated Press reports, quoting an activist who asked not to be identified.

That would bring the death toll to at least seven in four days of protests.
Will Syria receive anywhere near the condemnation that Israel received?
Will the death of the 11 year old boy receive anywhere near the attention?
Will Syria devote nearly as much time to investigate what happened?

When the answers to the above questions turns out to be 'no'--will anyone pretend to care?

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