Monday, May 23, 2011

Giyus: Hate Links to Report On Facebook And Twitter

The following is from the Giyus blog and is reposted with permission

Last week on Nakba Day we saw the results of the intense social media campaign the Palestinians led on Facebook and Twitter.

Pro Palestinians are using social media to recruit anti Israel activists and call on them to attack Israel's borders - these groups, profiles and causes are used to wage war on Israel's right to exist.

Syria border breach

Palestinians climbing over the border between Syria and Israel

While Nakba Day is behind us, the fact that Palestinians were able to breach the border gives them confidence to move on. As Defense Minister Barak claimed Israel will be facing much more complex situations very soon.

Please take action and report the following Facebook and Twitter users for violating Facebook's terms of service and waging war on Israel online.


The following are organizations which opened personal profiles - according to Facebook's terms of service only real people can open profiles, please log into Facebook, click on these links and click on report at the bottom left hand side. Choose the 2nd option "This profile is pretending to be someone or is fake" and then choose "Represents a business or an organization" in the reasons chart.

Facebook causes are often used to raise funds for charities helping make the world a better place. This cause however, blames the IDF for sexually harrasing Palestinian children without any substaintial evidence. Please click on report on the right hand side and send a message to Facebook asking to close down this hate spreading cause.


The following are users which are using Twitter to spread information for Palestine solidarity activists. Some are using multiple accounts to spread their hate messages. Please login into your twitter account and click on any of these links. Click on the options button located on the upper right hand side Twitter button. Choose the 3rd option which would report that user to Twitter.
To act on more issues and easily support Israel please sign up to our email updates - make a difference to Israel.

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