Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Video: Netanyahu Again Invites Everyone To Send Him Questions On YouTube

This is the second time that Netanyahu is doing this.
Here is his personal invitation on YouTube:

More information:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu invites web users from around the world to send him video questions via YouTube. He is particularly interested in broadening the direct dialogue with people from the Arab world and would welcome questions from the countries undergoing what has been termed "the Arab Spring." Questions may be on any topic, including peace talks, democracy in the Arab world, and even the Gaza flotilla.

To date, the Prime Minister's office has received dozens of questions from Arab web users. Most respondents expressed support for peace with Israel and are interested in understanding its positions regarding "the Arab Spring" and the future of negotiations with the Palestinians.

Prime Minister Netanyahu will answer questions from video clips on his YouTube site in the coming weeks. Following is a link to the site, including the Prime Minister's invitation to send questions, with Arabic subtitles:
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