Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Rally Tomorrow: StandWithUs Rally Against Durban III TOMORROW


Dear Friends of Israel,

Once again the Durban Circus is coming to town, this time it will take place in New York. StandWithUs will participate in a demonstration TOMORROW - RAIN OR SHINE - to oppose the hypocrisy of the United Nations, and we want you with us!!


On September 22: Opening day of the Durban III Circus!

StandWithUs and other organizations will host a demonstration with a CIRCUS theme to reflect the ridiculous hypocrisy of the Durban conferences. Come in a clown costume for a chance to win an iPad for best costume! Free wigs and noses while they last. The clown demonstration will take place:

Noon to 2:00 p.m. at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza. If you live in or around New York, you won`t want to miss this demonstration!

Click here for more information about the StandWithUs Rally Against Durban III

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