Thursday, November 24, 2011

Abbas Finally Admits Fatah Is No Different Than Hamas

Abbas agreed that Hamas and Fatah have the same goals:
"President Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal on Thursday hailed a new "partnership" after talks to implement a landmark reconciliation deal.

"We want to assure our people and the Arab and Islamic world that we have turned a major new and real page in partnership on everything do to with the Palestinian nation," Mashaal said.

"There are no more differences between us now," added Abbas, who heads the Fatah movement."
"There are no more differences between us now"?
Now, there are no more differences?
Someone should ask Abbas to list the differences that existed before.

More to the point--all along, there have been 3 conditions demanded of Hamas before being taken off the terrorist list:
o Recognize Israel
o Renounce violence
o Keep past agreements
Hamas has not done this--but Abbas has not met those 3 basic requirements that have be demanded of Hamas either.

After all, look at any map of the area from the Palestinian Authority and it is clear that all along Abbas has failed to meet the most basic criteria for being a peace partner.

Abbas is merely saying openly what has been true all along.
But out of ignorance or mendacity, Europe will continue to support both Abbas and the proposed unity government.

Now, what about Obama?

h/t Challah Hu Akbar

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