Monday, February 06, 2012

What Percentage Of Egypt's Parliamentary Vote Did Last Year Heroes Of Tahrir Square Get?

In his article Egypt Et Cetera: When the Moderates are Radicals You’re in Trouble, Barry Rubin concludes with a question:
What percentage of the vote in parliamentary elections did the young, social-media using kids who made Egypt's revolution get?
Remember, we are talking about the heroes of the protests in Tahrir Square just one year ago, in the middle of the Arab Spring which we were told was going to bring democracy to the Middle East in general--and to Egypt in particular.
  • Mubarak was out.
  • The military was acting as mere caretakers till after elections.
  • Google employee Wael Ghonim was a celebrity
  • The Internet and Social Media were considered a driving force in the Egytian protests
We all have heard about how the Muslim Brotherhood and the fundamentalists have dominated the Parliamentary election

So again: What percentage of the vote in parliamentary elections did the young, social-media using kids who made Egypt's revolution get?

The Answer: 1.3 percent.

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