Sunday, March 04, 2012

American Muslim Leaders Gather with Cong. Pete King (R-NY) to Support NYPD

Since the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas front groups will probably be out in force, if you're in the NY area near the NYPD-HQ on Monday morning, you might consider attending this event to join voices to help prevent those Islamist groups from dictating how the NYPD conducts its counterterror operations.

American Muslim leaders gather with Cong. Pete King (R-NY) to support NYPD

March 2, 2012
American Islamic Leadership Coalition


American Islamic Leadership Coalition gathers to stand with NYPD in their efforts to counter Muslim radicalization

WHO: American Muslims under the leadership of the The American Islamic Leadership Coalition (AILC),representing over 20 North American Muslim organizations and activists will come together in New York City to demonstrate their support of the New York City Police Department (NYPD). The event will feature remarks fromDr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, President of the American Islamic Forum for DemocracyTarek Fatah, Founder of theMuslim Canadian CongressManda Zand Ervin, Founder of the Alliance for Iranian WomenC. Holland Taylor,Chairman and CEO of the LibForAll Foundation; and Congressman Peter King (R-NY), Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security.

WHAT: A press conference by a diverse, broad based group of American Muslim leaders who have come together to address recent controversies surrounding the counterterrorism programs of the NYPD. The public discourse concerning Muslims and NYPD has been dominated by a perception that American Muslims feel targeted. This press conference will give voice to a large coalition of American Muslims who feel otherwise and reject Islamist representation of their voices. AILC stands with the NYPD in its belief that the best way to fight terror is to identify its roots causes and address them head on.

WHEN: Monday, March 5, 2012, 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

WHERE: 1 Police Plaza, New York City, NY

MEDIA: Open Press

ABOUT AILC: The American Islamic Leadership Coalition (AILC) is a diverse coalition of liberty-minded, North American Muslim leaders and organizations. AILC's mission advocates for defending the US Constitution, upholding religious pluralism, protecting American security and cherishing genuine diversity in the faith and practice of Islam. AILC provides a stark alternative to the Islamist organizations that claim to speak for what are diverse American Muslim communities. For more information on AILC, please visit our website at

Gregg Edgar
Gordon C. James Public Relations

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