Friday, March 30, 2012

Video: Iranian Response To "Israel Loves Iran"

The Next Web has an article about Israel Loves Iran, a platform for Israelis and Iranians to connect on Facebook:
As mainstream media runs headlines about escalating tensions between Israel and Iran, a very different Israeli-Iranian story has been making the headlines, thanks to the Facebook campaign, Israel Loves Iran.

The page already has over 50,000 fans, and has been seen by hundreds of thousands Facebook users from all over the world. It started out as one image shared by an Israeli graphic designer, Ronny Edry.

24 hours passed, and a trend had begun among some Israeli Internet users, sharing similar photos.

Another 24 hours passed, and the trend had extended to their Iranian counterparts, sharing images with words of love, support and friendship.
Read the whole thing.

Now there is an Iranian response via YouTube:

Here is the original YouTube video We Love You - Iran & Israel:

Technorati Tag: and and .

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