Monday, April 30, 2012

Benzion Netanyahu, Father of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Passes Away At Age 102

Maariv reports on the death of Benzion Netanyahu, father of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu:
Benzion Netanyahu, the prime minister's father passed away

In February, the Spanish Consulate in New York decided to grant a medal to Professor Netanyahu for his research on the history of the Inquisition and the Marranos.

...Prof. Benzion Netanyahu was born on March 25, 1910 in Warsaw as Benzion Milikovsky writer and Zionist activist. He was a leader of the Zionist movement in the United States and is considered one of the important historians in dealing with the study of Jewish life in medieval Spain and the study of the Inquisition, the organization pursued the Marranos in Spain. He also served as adjunct professor at the Academy for Jewish Research, a member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and Science history Spain and professor emeritus at Cornell University.

...Netanyahu's father is known for his Right-wing - Revisionist views, and although he never actually became involved in politics in his youth, he served as the private secretary of Ze'ev Jabotinsky.

On September 21 2011 he received the Medal of Dona Gracia by Education Minister Gideon Sa'ar, in recognition of his work in the study of subject Spanish Jews.

Among his books are "Don Isaac Abravanel," "The Marranos of Spain", "Sources of the Inquisition in 15th century Spain" and "Five Fathers of Zionism ". Professor Netanyahu was editor of the Hebrew Encyclopedia for over a decade. He was a professor of Jewish studies at various universities in the United States
Based on the original Maariv article in Hebrew and Google translation, with some editing.

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