Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Israelis Are Not Just Happy; They Are Proud To Be Israeli

Last month, it was reported that Israel ranked 14th in the United Nations’ first World Happiness Report. Now Aharon Lapitdot writes about a survey that has come out that Israelis are not only happy: they are happy to be Israeli--and proud:
It might be hard to believe when you look at recent newspaper headlines, but 93 percent of Israelis are proud to be Israeli, and the majority, 70%, even describe themselves as "very proud."

These facts and more emerge from a special poll Israel Hayom conducted in honor of Independence Day, in cooperation with The New Wave Research institute. The poll surveyed a representative sample of 500 Israelis, with a margin of error of 4.5%.

Other data from the poll also paint a picture of prevailing optimism in 2012. For example, more than 80% of respondents say they prefer to live in Israel over any other place in the world, and only 9% would rather live abroad. About 83% intend to display their national pride by flying a flag outside their house or on their car.
Among the things Israelis love most about Israel are their fellow Israelis, Israel's nature and landscape, their shared fate and Israel's national character. As Aharon Lapidot notes, about half of Israelis love Israel for reasons that have to do with the people of Israel.

Which is fitting to point out on Israel's 64th birthday.

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