Sunday, May 13, 2012

Abdullah Barghouti: Poster Boy For Palestinian Hunger Strike--And Murderer Of 66 Jews #PalHunger

The most notorious of all the prisoners held at the Be'er Sheva Prison is Abdullah Barghouti. It's not easy to get to see him because he's being held in indefinite solitary confinement. He's been convicted of being the mastermind behind Hamas' deadliest suicide bombings, responsible for the deaths of 66 people, including five Americans. How does he feel about this death toll?

"I feel bad because the number only 66. This the answer you want to hear it?" Barghouti told Simon.
Imprisoned Terrorist Abdullah Barghouti, Interview With 60 Minutes "Terror Behind Bars"

You will find the face of admitted terrorist Abdullah Barghouti plastered all over the protests of those who want to see Barghouti freed--because those who demand that they want the Palestinian terrorists who are on a hunger strike to be freed don't want you to know the truth.

Unfortunately, the media is as blind as the protesters are duplitious.

This Ongoing War notes how the media plays along with ignoring the murders by the Palestinian terrorists:
In an NBC News report plaintively headed "As Palestinian hunger strikers starve, a mother waits", Yara Borgal makes a heart-tugging effort to evoke sympathy for the mother of one of the prisoners on hunger strike. Then the report moves on to the more serious part of this: the explicit threats by the political leadership of the Palestinian Arabs:
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas warned Israel that the death of one of the prisoners could result in chaos. “If anybody dies today or tomorrow or after a week it would be a disaster and no one could control the situation," Abbas said in an interview with Reuters at his office in Ramallah. "I told the Israelis and the Americans if they do not find a solution for this hunger strike immediately, they will be committing a crime."

Issa Qaraqe, the Palestinian Authority’s minister of prisoner affairs, has appealed to the international community, including the U.N. and even Pope Benedict, to intervene. “Palestinian hunger strikers are fighting for what they have been systematically denied — their dignity, rights and justice,” he said. “I appeal to the world to immediately intervene and save the prisoners’ lives before it’s too late. If the hunger strike results in the death of one of the prisoners then Israel should expect an escalation of violence in the West Bank and even inside the Israeli prisons.”
The media is as accomplished as the protesters is using the right words, even as they deceive the public by ignoring the murders committed by these terrorists.

Getting back to Abdullah Barghouti, we find that this accomplished--and unrepentant terrorist--is popular among those claiming to be pursuing justice

This Ongoing War notes how popular the murderous Abdullah Barghouti is among protesters (captions are his)

Ramallah is the home base of the "moderate" Fatah/PLO regime headed by Mahmoud Abbas
that controls the Palestinian Authority. That's where this protest took place on Friday. The caption for this APF photo says it shows protesters holding portraits of relatives held in Israeli jails, and that the demonstration is "to show solidarity" with them. 

Detail extracted from the picture at the top of this post. 
Why does no editor or reporter comment on the face 
in the poster on the right? What does this say about their
comprehension of the issue? And ours?

Hunger strike protest this past week:
That's convicted mass murderer Abdullah Barghouti at the back, both left and right
Image Source

Hunger strike protest this past week:
That's convicted mass murderer Abdullah Barghouti at the back
Image Source

Hunger strike protest this past week:
That's convicted mass murderer Abdullah Barghouti front right
Image Source

Hunger strike protest this past week:
That's convicted mass murderer Abdullah Barghouti front right
Image Source
No one should be fooled into thinking that these protests are about justice and helping victims--the victims are the one murdered by the terrorists that these protesters now want to see freed, to kill again.

And Barghouti is not the only convicted terrorist the protesters want freed.

Paula Stern notes how protesters lie about how many Palestinians on hunger strike are convicted terrorists:
Currently, 1,580 Palestinian prisoners have decided to go on a hunger strike...of this large amount, only 6 have yet to be charged with crimes.

Of the remaining 1,574 - all were tried and convicted of crimes.
The protests are a hoax.

Technorati Tag: and and .

1 comment:

  1. So.....does he have a regular byline at Huffington Post?


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