Sunday, May 13, 2012

Fatah Prisoners Held by Hamas Go On Hunger Strike: Behold The Outrage!

By Khaled Abu Toameh reports that Fatah prisoners held by Hamas in Gaza go on hunger strike
Fatah prisoners held in Hamas jails in the Gaza Strip have gone on hunger strike in protest against their incarceration, Palestinian sources reported Sunday.

The hunger strike is also in solidarity with hundreds of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons who have also been refusing food for the past few weeks, the sources said.
Palestinian prisoners in Gaza appealed for pressure to be exerted on Hamas to stop arresting Palestinians for their support of Fatah. Hamas, for their part, has denied that the imprisonment is because of political reasons, claiming that all prisoners are held because of involvement in criminal activities--and for collaborating with Israel.

Meanwhile, Fatah claims that at least 20 of their men are being held by Hamas without trial.

On the other hand, Hamas prisoners held by the Palestinian Authority in prisons in the West Bank have gone on a hunger strike as well, to protest against what they say are harsh conditions.

But don't expect the protesters demanding Israel's release of Palestinian terrorists to take up the cause of Palestinians being held by Hamas and the PA because of their political affiliations.

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