Monday, May 07, 2012

Video From HonestReporting: If You Were The New York Times, How Would YOU Report A Palestinian Hunger Strike

Last week, The New York Times published an article by Jody Rudoren--Palestinians Go Hungry to Make Their Voices Heard--who paints a sympathetic picture of jailed members of the terrorist group Islamic Jihad who are on a hunger strike. Not a single Israeli source is consulted. Instead, Rudoren reports the words of family and supporters of the Jihad members in creating her one-sided, insulting article.

Here is the video of HonestReporting's Yarden Frankl response to the Rudoren's article:

See HonestReporting's Starved of the Truth:

New York Times Fails its Readers, which notes that while CNN, Al Jazeera and Reuters provide at least some context:
Nowhere does Rudoren’s report include any explanation as to why administrative detention is used or even the Palestinian terrorism or security offenses that might lead to its use.

...Rudoren’s report simply refers to the Palestinian prisoner population in general, giving the false impression that all of these prisoners have been detained without charge. This is certainly not the case, the vast majority of Palestinians in prison are there having been duly convicted of offenses or are awaiting trial, having been charged.
Concerns were raised by Jodi Rudoren's sympathetic tweets about Israel-bashers, concerned that we now see are justified as Rudoren's biases are carried over into her articles.

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