Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Video: Muslim Brotherhood: "'United States of the Arabs' with Jerusalem as Its Capital"

On May 1, Egyptian Cleric Safwat Higazi launched the presidential campaign of Muhammad Mursi, telling a huge, enthusiastic crowd that Mursi will restore "'United States of the Arabs' with Jerusalem as Its Capital"

The video is from MEMRI, and the transcript follows.
The part of interest starts at about 17 seconds into the video:

Here is the transcript of the Muhammad Mursi rally, from MEMRI:
Egyptian Cleric Safwat Higazi Launches MB Candidate Muhammad Mursi's Campaign: Mursi Will Restore the "United States of the Arabs" with Jerusalem as Its Capital

Safwat Higazi: We can see how the dream of the Islamic Caliphate is being realized, Allah willing, by Dr. Muhammad Mursi and his brothers, his supporters, and his political party. We can see how the great dream, shared by us all - that of the United States of the Arabs... The United States of the Arabs will be restored, Allah willing. The United States of the Arabs will be restored by this man and his supporters.

The capital of the Caliphate - the capital of the United States of the Arabs - will be Jerusalem, Allah willing.

Ceremony leader: Mursi will liberate Gaza tomorrow.

Crowds: Mursi will liberate Gaza tomorrow.

Ceremony leader: I am an Egyptian and proud of it.

Crowds: I am an Egyptian and proud of it.

Ceremony leader: Mursi will liberate Gaza tomorrow.

Crowds: Mursi will liberate Gaza tomorrow.

Ceremony leader: Mursi will liberate Gaza tomorrow.

Crowds: Mursi will liberate Gaza tomorrow.

Ceremony leader: Say: "Allah Akbar."

Crowds: Allah Akbar.

Ceremony leader: Say: "Allah Akbar."

Crowds: Allah Akbar.

Ceremony leader: Say: "Allah Akbar."

Crowds: Allah Akbar.

Safwat Higazi: Our capital shall not be Cairo, Mecca, or Medina. It shall be Jerusalem, Allah willing. Our cry shall be: "Millions of martyrs march toward Jerusalem." Millions of martyrs march toward Jerusalem.

Crowds: Millions of martyrs march toward Jerusalem.

Crowds: Millions of martyrs march toward Jerusalem.

Safwat Higazi: Millions of martyrs march toward Jerusalem.

Crowds: Millions of martyrs march toward Jerusalem.

Ceremony leader: Banish the sleep from the eyes of all Jews.
Come on, you lovers of martyrdom, you are all Hamas.
From the eyes of all Jews...
Come on, you lovers of martyrdom, you are all Hamas.
Banish the sleep from the eyes of all Jews.
Come on, you lovers of martyrdom, you are all Hamas.
Forget about the whole world, forget about all the conferences.
Brandish your weapons... Say your prayers...
Brandish your weapons... Say your prayers...
And pray to the Lord.
From the eyes of all Jews...
Come on, you lovers of martyrdom...
Banish the sleep from the eyes of all Jews.
Come on, you lovers of martyrdom, you are all Hamas.

Safwat Higazi : Indeed, all the lovers of martyrdom are Hamas. I say from this podium, from Al-Mahalla, from the heart of the Delta, the heart of Egypt, so that the whole world may hear.
We say it loud and clear: Yes, Jerusalem is our goal. We shall pray in Jerusalem, or else we shall die as martyrs on its threshold.
Millions of martyrs march toward Jerusalem.

Crowds: Millions of martyrs march toward Jerusalem.
I think you get the picture.

As Michael Rubin notes, The Muslim Brotherhood Sheds its Mask
While I am not sad to see Hosni Mubarak gone nor do I believe that the status quo ante was tenable, the idea that the Muslim Brotherhood has transformed itself into some sort of benevolent force is the type of nonsense that only Middle Eastern Studies academics can peddle. Academics and journalists who sat down with Muslim Brotherhood interlocutors and believed what the Brethren’s self-described moderates and technocrats told them were not path breaking; rather, they were useful idiots.

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