Wednesday, May 23, 2012

YU's Shavuout-To-Go 5772

PDF's of previous years are available online as well:

Shavuout-To-Go 5772 (Packet)
Individual Articles download:

Shavuout-To-Go 5771 (Packet)
Individual Articles download:

Shavuot-To-Go 5770 (Packet)
Individual Articles download:

Shavuot-To-Go 5769 (Packet)
Individual Articles download:

    Learning Packets:
  • Rabbi Josh Flug - "Halachic Perspectives on Live Kidney Donations"
  • Rabbi Daniel Stein - "Can I Have a Ride? Carpooling & Middas Sodom"

  • Divrei Drush:
  • Dr. Naomi Grunhaus - "The Significance of Matan Torah"
  • Rabbi Zev Reichman - "Shavuot: Middot and Torah Linked Together"
  • Rabbi Moshe Taragin - "Twice Kissed"

  • Family Program:
  • Pirkei Avot Scavenger Hunt
    Environmentalism in Jewish Law and Thought
    The Jew's Role in the World
    -Aaron Steinberg

Shavuout-To-Go 5767 (Packet)
  • Rabbi Joshua Flug - "Are We All Thieves? Hi-Tech Heists and Halacha"
  • Teen Program: Avidan Freedman - "Facebook and Friendship"
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