Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hadeed Al-Haddad: From Shaheed To Just A Child Killed By Hamas

When Occupied Palestine jumped at the chance to blame Israel for the death of Hadeel Al-Haddad, she was "Shaheeda Hadeel Al-Haddad, assassinated by Israel on June 19, 2012":

Occupied Palestine removed the page and replaced it with the headline:
#GazaUnderAttack | June 19, 2012 | Toddler killed in Gaza explosion

They replaced the picture of Al-Haddad with this:

Boys look through a hospital window in Beit Hanoun in northern
 Gaza onJune 18. (Reuters/Mohammed Salem)
Apparently, once Hadeel Al-Haddad was transformed from a "shaheed" assassinated by Israel into a child killed by Hamas negligence, showing her picture was no longer considered necessary (or desirable).

But Hadeel Al-Haddad, and all of the other children in Gaza deserve better.

  • The children of Gaza deserve better than to be manipulated by Occupied Palestine and the other terrorist apologists when they are killed in a war started by terrorists.
  • The children of Gaza deserve better than to be forgotten when it turns out that their own "government"--led by Hamas terrorists--are the ones that killed them.

Shame on the Hamas terrorists and their enablers at Occupied Palestine for exploiting Hadeel Al-Haddad and then tossing her aside.

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