Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New York Times Cuts And Pastes Error Into Its Gaza Report

The New York Times in general--and New York Time reporters Isabel Kershner and Fares Akram--are getting sloppy.

After all, it's bad enough that the New York Times goes ahead with the incendiary story that Israel is responsible for the death of a 2 year Gazan toddler--after Jon Donnison already confirmed that Hamas admitted their rocket was responsible for the death of Hadeed Al-Haddad and even the site "Occupied Palestine" had removed the page accusing Israel of killing the Gazan child.In fact, Ma'an also reported (at least in their English edition) that the child was killed by a Hamas rocket misfiring nearby.

As Elder of Tziyon put it:
Kudos to Ma'an English for actually doing real reporting.
No one could accuse the New York Times of that.

Here is what the New York Times reported yesterday on June 19:

Israel Weighs Response After Attacks by Hamas
Published: June 19, 2012
A Palestinian toddler, 2, was killed and her older brother was injured Tuesday evening in a blast at their house, witnesses and medical officials said. Residents said an Israeli plane had fired a missile at the house, in the Zeitoun neighborhood in Gaza City, but the Israeli military said that it did not carry out strikes at that time and that an initial investigation had indicated that the blast was caused by a failed rocket launching from inside Gaza.
Here is what the New York Times is reporting today--note that the exact same paragraph blaming Israel was cut and pasted into today's news, even after the story was thoroughly discredited:
Israeli Strike Kills Man Accused in Earlier Attack
Published: June 20, 2012
A Palestinian toddler, 2, was killed and her older brother was injured Tuesday evening in a blast at their house, witnesses and medical officials said. Residents said an Israeli plane had fired a missile at the house, in the Zeitoun neighborhood in Gaza City, but the Israeli military said that it did not carry out strikes at that time and that an initial investigation had indicated that the blast was caused by a failed rocket launching from inside Gaza.
Yesterday, I quoted Lt. General Honore's famous advice to reporters, and I'll do it again:
Don't get stuck on stupid, reporters. We are moving forward. And don't confuse the people please. You are part of the public message. So help us get the message straight. And if you don't understand, maybe you'll confuse it to the people.
The New York Times is stuck.

Hat tip: DG

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