Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Corrie Lawyer Hussein Abu Hussein Is As Filled With Hate As Rachel Corrie Was

"Nazi Germany was a state based on the rule of law for a short while... the State of Israel was founded from the start on robbery and theft...Israel is a "giant monster... we all want to step on its head, but talking is not enough"
Hussein Abu Hussein, lawyer for Corrie family on PA TV, July 2012

Yesterday, in response to the verdict of the Israeli court in the death of Rachel Corrie, the lawyer for the Corrie family, Hussein Abu Hussein, claimed the verdict was a defeat for peace activists:
"It's a black day for activists of human rights and people who believe in values of dignity. We believe this decision is a bad decision for all of us - civilians first of all, and peace activists."
Not surprisingly, contrary to what he said to the Western media, we can see the real values and dignity of Hussein Abu Hussein when he talks to the Arab media. Palestinian Media Watch has released a statement made by the Israeli Arab lawyer last month that shows his attitudes towards Israel in general.

The transcript of the interview follows the video:

The contrast between self-righteous comments of Hussein Abu Hussein to the Western media and what he says back home remind us of the contrast between the "peace activist" Rachel Corrie the media wants us to see and the hate-consumed protester who burned mock-ups of the US flag.

The image of Rachel Corrie the media
wants us to have.

"Peace activist" Rachel Corrie burning a mock American flag.

"Peace activist" Rachel Corrie burning a mock US flag
Here is the transcript of Abu Hussein's interview with Israeli Arab actor, Mohammad Bakri, who hosts a weekly PA TV show:
Hussein Abu Hussein, Israeli Arab lawyer: "Nazi Germany was a state based on the rule of law for a short while and it found refuge in the law. [However,] the State of Israel was founded from the start on robbery and theft of a nation's homeland. Actually, the correct and true legal definition of what happened to the Palestinians is homeland theft... We suffer from a great injustice from the giant monster. This monster attacks us daily and bites into our flesh in the Negev, the Galilee, the Triangle [region in Israel], Jerusalem, and the occupied territories, the West Bank and Gaza. Every day it bites into our body."

Mohammad Bakri, Israeli Arab actor: "I want to step on the head of this monster."

Hussein Abu Hussein, Israeli Arab lawyer: "We all want to step on its head, but talking is not enough. Everyone has their role."
[PA TV (Fatah), July 2, 2012]
Abu Hussein clearly regrets not having fulfilled his role at the trial.
He will just have to be content with the pro-Palestinian apologists who will carry water for him and the Rachel Corries of the world by demonizing Israel.

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  1. "It's a black day for activists of human rights"

    Well, that's good news, because the so called "activists of human rights" are allies of terrorists, usually antisemites, haters of American and the West and lovers and supporters of Islamofascism.

    A black day for the psychologically sick malcontents, is a good day for freedom loving people.

    and people who believe in values of dignity. We believe this decision is a bad decision for all of us - civilians first of all, and peace activists."

  2. Yes yes, black day, death to Israel, kill the Jews, etc etc. was there anything else, Mr Hussein sir?


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