Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Arlene Kushner: Obama Is Re-elected President

Major Correction: I misunderstood the Obama's speech below as his victory speech; it was his acceptance speech. I have changed the title of this post accordingly.

I apologize for the error.

From Arlene Kushner:
November 7, 2012


What is it I'm supposed to say? That the people have spoken?  Technically, of course it is true  -- for indeed Obama will be president for another four years and this must be respected.  But I cannot accept that in this electoral vote there rested wisdom or understanding. 
Rather, I feel that the people didn't have complete information.  They didn't get it. The liberal leaning media saw to that.  Dear Heaven, the fiasco at Benghazi should have been sufficient in and of itself to deny him the election.  If only Benghazi had been covered fully by the mainstream media.
How can I know what I know -- about Benghazi and Obama's support for Islamists and the resilience of al-Qaeda, which Obama claims to have seriously weakened, and more and more -- and then say that the people have spoken, as acknowledgement that the electorate had superior wisdom? 
Obama has made the world a more dangerous place than it was when he took office four years ago.  What will be four years from now? 
The Almighty must give us strength for all that lies ahead.
Head of World Likud MK Danny Danon issued a statement after the election results were known: 
“The state of Israel will not capitulate before Obama. [His electoral victory] brings home the fact that the state of Israel must take care of its own interests.  We cannot rely on anyone but ourselves.”
That, exactly so, is how it is.
Prime Minister Netanyahu had no choice, of course, but to congratulate Obama (which he has already done) and to speak about working with the US to safeguard Israel's security.
Should you feel inclined to let him know you're behind him as he stands strong for Israeli rights and security, that would be lovely.  Our rights also matter.
E-mail: and also after pm) use both addresses
Obama's acceptance speech lacked the graciousness that one might expect of a winner.  Bewilderingly, he sounded as if he were still campaigning.  Maybe he DID lift this from a campaign speech. Listen:
"So now we face a choice. My opponent and his running mate are new to foreign policy, but from all that we've seen and heard, they want to take us back to an era of blustering and blundering that cost America so dearly."
He'll have none of that "blustering and blundering."  Nah, he'll do kissy-kissy with people who seek to  undermine Western values.
Then -- incredibly! -- he said this:
"You might not be ready for diplomacy with Beijing if you can't visit the Olympics without insulting our closest ally."
If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself: Text of Obama's acceptance speech
What he was referring to was a regrettable but very insignificant gaffe made by Romney when visiting London at the time of Olympics.  An observation about insufficient preparations or something.  But what possible difference could this make now
The irony is that Obama started his presidency by seriously insulting London when he returned a bust of Churchill that had been in the White House.
How small and petty is this man whom the American people have chosen.
To all my readers in the US who do understand and have fought the good fight, my heart is with you .  I salute you for your efforts
Stay strong.
America still needs you. To be watchdogs, and to expose duplicity and danger wherever you find these in the actions of the government.  To deliver the right messages to your Congresspersons.  To prepare with determination for future elections.
In my last posting I wrote about "An open letter to Professor Alan Dershowitz," but could not locate the URL. 
Robert R. did, and I thank him for this: 

Now that the election is over, I will turn back to a more focused look at events in this part of the world.  I want to close here today.  There should be a great deal to share in tomorrow's posting.
© Arlene Kushner. This material is produced by Arlene Kushner, functioning as an independent journalist. Permission is granted for it to be reproduced only with proper attribution.

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