Friday, November 23, 2012

Can Morsi Support Israel - Hamas Ceasefire If Muslim Brotherhood Opposes It?

It's all very well for Obama to entrust the fragile Israel - Hamas ceasefire to Egypt. After all, Egypt traditionally has been a major leader in the Muslim world.

But in this case, we are talking about Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, member of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is radical, and traditionally anti-American, anti-Jewish and anti-Israel.

Unlike Morse, the Muslim Brotherhood sees no need to support the ceasefire:
The top leader of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood denounced peace efforts with Israel and urged holy war to liberate Palestinian territories on Thursday — one day after the country's president, who hails from the movement, mediated a cease-fire between Israelis and Palestinians to end eight days of fierce fighting.

"The enemy knows nothing but the language of force," said Mohammed Badie. "Be aware of the game of grand deception with which they depict peace accords," he said in a statement carried on the group's website and emailed to reporters.

His statement was a sharp deviation from the role played by President Mohammed Morsi in the last week. Egypt's role in brokering the deal has been hailed by U.S. officials.
While it is true that the Muslim Brotherhood is know for giving contradictory statements, the fact that Badie denounces the ceasefire agreement is not unexpected, seeing that there are more radical voices in the Muslim Brotherhood.

After all, one imam -- while speaking at a pro-Morsi rally that Morsi attended -- spoke about the Muslim takeover of Jerusalem as the centerpiece of a Muslim state.

The huge audience heartily approved of the idea.

And this is the country that Obama entrusts in enforcing a ceasefire?

Thanks a lot.

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1 comment:

  1. It's not clear that the political leaders in the MB oppose a cease fire as this will help them re arm Hamas. Whatever happens they tell their people it's a great victory anyway.


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