Sunday, November 18, 2012

Is Hamas Again Planning To Exploit Journalists As Human Shields?

Fears Deepen That Hamas Intends To Repeat Use Of Journalists As Human Shields

November 17, 2012
TIP Press:
Main Office Phone Number:  202-857-6644

Activists and officials are calling attention to Hamas trapping journalists in the Gaza Strip, repeating a pattern in the past where the Iranian-backed terror group has used journalists and reporters as human shields and used media facilities for military purposes.
Hamas has trapped at least 22 foreign nationals in the Gaza Strip. Among the foreigners, who are trying to exit the Hamas-controlled territory for Israel, are journalists including Italian citizens, one Canadian, one South Korean, a French national and six journalists from Japan. Israel has kept the Erez crossing into Gaza open in part to facilitate the travel of the foreign press, diplomats, and humanitarian workers.
The move raises the possibility that Hamas is preparing to endanger journalists in order to heighten the risks of any Israeli operations which would seek to degrade Hamas's arsenal or intercept ongoing military operations. The tactic repeats one that the group has used in previous wars with Israel. On January 1, 2009, during Israel's Operation Cast Lead, TV station Al Arabiya inadvertently aired live coverage of reporter Hannan al-Masri being told – while live on the air – that Hamas has just fired rockets from the ground floor of the station's building.
Click on the photo below to view the video, or click on the link below to go to TIP's YouTube collection documenting Hamas's war crimes, including Hamas's use of human shields.

The Israel Project  is a non-profit educational organization that provides factual information about Israel and the Middle East to the press, policy makers and the public.

Here is the video referenced by the Israel Project press release above, of Alarabiya-TV Reporter Hannan al-Masri learning of a Hamas missile being fired from the ground floor of the building housing the Alarabiya Studio:

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  1. It's not exploitation when they happily and willingly plant themselves in Gaza and volunteer to BE human shields. Judi Rudoren would be CHEERING for an airstrike on her 5-star hotel in Gaza as long as room service is still up and running. The funniest thing was CNN this morning some female correspondent in the street with a helmet on complaining she can't leave her hotel because of Israeli air strikes.......while she's talking into the camera in the MIDDLE OF THE STREET down the road from where al Aqsa TV was bombed. The story she repeated was that those nasty Jews called al Aqsa to tell them to evacuate the building but they took too long to bomb it so reporters went back into the building after 4 hrs and got hurt.

    As a point of reference in 2008 al Jazeera in 2008 famously had a reporter on camera who was talking into her cell phone while rockets where flying out of the basement of the building she was in. She began to laugh at how amusing it was that the Jews dare not attack that building.

  2. Yes, that is the video in this post.


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