Sunday, November 18, 2012

Media Mimics Terrorist Propaganda Claiming Israel Targets Journalists -- Here's The Real Story

BBC Watch reports that the media is once again helping Hamas terrorists disseminate their propaganda points. This time, BBC Jerusalem Bureau leads the charge in false accusations of “targeting journalists”:
At around 3 a.m. local time on November 18th, the various BBC reporters in Gaza began Tweeting reports of an Israeli strike on a building which houses the Hamas television station ‘Al Quds’.

...Later, apparently, the building housing Hamas’ other TV station – Al Aqsa TV – was also damaged.

...So what are ‘Al Quds TV’ and ‘Al Aqsa TV’?
The latter was established in 2006 after the Hamas coup in the Gaza Strip and models itself on Hizballah’s ‘Al Manar’ TV station. It broadcasts virulently antisemitic material (so much so that it was taken off the air by the French government for violating European law against the broadcasting of incitement) and regularly promotes violence against Israelis and Jewsincluding to children.
But rather than take the facts into account, BBC and much of the rest of the media prefers to accept the words of terrorists, believing that the likes of Alqassam on Twitter:

The point that journalists have ignored is that they should know better than to station themselves within a target:
The accidental injury of journalists located in close proximity to terrorist facilities is of course just as regrettable as the injury to people of any other profession and none. However, four days after Israel specifically stated that it would target Hamas terrorist infrastructure and after warnings to non-combatants in the Gaza Strip to distance themselves from Hamas terrorists and their installations, sharing offices with the Hamas propaganda arm was inevitably not a good call.

What is particularly disturbing is that Paul Danahar and some of his colleagues appear to have convinced themselves that anyone with a camera and a microphone is a journalist – failing completely to address the exploitation of that title by terrorist organisations, the placing of rocket launching sites in close proximity to houses or office buildings or the use of journalists and other civilians as human shields, as he and his colleagues have been documenting for the past five days.
Read the whole thing.

As it is, the targets were not the buildings themselves, but the broadcast facilities on the roofs of the buildings where journalists chose to stay.

Here is video of the IDF taking out the antennae on the roofs of the buildings.

One might have expected of journalists than to jump at the opportunity of repeating the propaganda points of terrorists.

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1 comment:

  1. CNN reported they were called on the phone by the IDF and told to leave since the building would be targeted. But apparently the IAF took so long to hit the building that people returned to it to work. That doesn't sound deliberate in my world or any world.


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