Saturday, November 10, 2012

Palestinian Terrorists Launch Another Barrage of Rockets From Gaza Aimed At Israeli Civilians

Just last month, Hamas terrorists launched a brutal barrage of 68 rockets at civilian targets in Israel over a 12 hour period --

And now, on November 10th, it is happening again.

Haaretz is reporting on dozens of rockets being fired from Gaza by Hamas at civilian targets in Israel:
Dozens of rockets exploded in southern Israel on Saturday, as violence flared up on the Israel-Gaza border.

Some 31 rockets hit the Eshkol, Sha'ar Hanegev and Hof Ashkelon regional councils, as well as the areas around Ashkelon and Ashdod. Of these, more than 20 landed in the Eshkol Regional Council alone. One of the rockets in Sha'ar Hanegev exploded in the yard of a house. No casualties were reported.
The Iron Dome missile defense system intercepted one rocket in the Ashdod area.

Later on Saturday night, the IDF struck a rocket-launching squad in north Gaza in response, the IDF spokesperson said in a statement. The IDF reported a direct hit on the target. One Palestinian militant was reportedly killed in the strike.

Saturday's rocket barrage followed an earlier anti-tank missile attack on an IDF jeep near the border with Gaza, which wounded four soldiers. The IDF responded to the jeep attack with shelling on the Gaza Strip in which at least four Palestinians were killed and over 36 wounded.
Here is the timeline from the IDF of the Gaza Attacks on IDF Soldiers and Israeli Civilians:
In the past several hours, Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip have dramatically escalated their attacks against Israel — firing an anti-tank missile at an IDF jeep as well as launching a barrage of rockets. This post will provide updates as they become available. All times are Israeli time (GMT +2). Post last updated at 12:29 AM.

30 rockets have been fired at Israel in the past few hours.

Sunday 11 November:

03:00 AM: IDF targeted a weapon manufacturing facility, two weapon storage facilities and two rocket launching sites in the northern Gaza Strip.

Saturday 10 November:

12:00 AM: 3 rockets fired from Gaza hit Israel.

11:32 PM: IDF targets a rocket launching squad in the northern Gaza Strip moments after it fired rockets towards southern Israel.

11:22 PM: 5 rockets fired from Gaza hit Israel.

9:20 PM: Iron Dome intercepts rocket fired toward a southern Israeli city; another rocket explodes nearby.

4:00 PM: Palestinian terrorists in Gaza fire an anti-tank missile at an IDF jeep conducting a routine patrol of the Gaza border fence, inside Israeli territory. Four IDF soldiers were wounded in the attack, two of them seriously. Shortly after the attack on the IDF jeep, the IDF responded with ground fire against Palestinian terrorist sites in the Gaza Strip.

BBC anti-Israel bias is in evidence once again:

Not surprisingly, the BBC calls dozens of rockets fired at civilians a flare-up -- not only referring to it ambiguously as an "attack" but also leaving out both the number of rockets fired and the civilian targets.

Check out BBC Watch for its analysis of More ‘last-first’ BBC reporting from southern Israel and the Gaza Strip

Similarly, CNN is incapable of straightforward reporting on the Hamas attack. Check out CAMERA on CNN Ignores Hit Jeep, Injured Israelis

If the media cannot get the story on the Hamas terrorist attack straight, it is unlikely they can be relied upon for the long-term implications.

For that, you can check out The Israel Project's analysis from October 8 -- before both of these massive assaults: Worrisome Trends in Gaza Mirror Hamas's 2008 Lead-Up To War:
Hamas's rocket barrage against Israel on Monday marked an escalation in the group's ongoing war against Israel, both quantitatively in the amount of rocket fire, and qualitatively in Hamas's willingness to claim responsibility for the attack.

The attack has triggered broad concerns that the terror group is returning to its posture of late June 2012, when Palestinians launched over 80 rockets at Israeli towns and communities over a four-day period.
The Israel Project notes parallels between the Hamas strategy and aggression that led to Israel's Operation Cast Lead and Hamas's new attacks -- which it analyzes in 4 areas
  • Militarized Civilian Infrastructure
  • Political Leadership of "Resistance" Groups
  • Explicitly Aggressive Military Posture
  • Targeting Vulnerable Israeli Infrastructure, Including Children's
Read the whole thing.

If this erupts into a larger scale war, we can already see what the media's take will be.

Meanwhile, we wait to see what tomorrow will bring.

UPDATE: Israel Matzav suggests that the timing of the Gazan attack on Israel coincides with Obama's re-election, the thinking of the terrorists being that Israel's ability to retaliate will be limited under a second Obama administration.

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