Thursday, January 03, 2008

Koidinover Rebbe Will Be In The 5 Towns This Shabbos (Parshas Va'eira)

Dixie Yid writes about the The Koidenover Rebbe shlit"a, who is visiting The 5 Towns this Shabbos:
Koidenov descends from the dynasties of Lechovich and Karlin-Stolin. The Rebbe is reviving what was once a thriving Chassidus in White Russia and has recently rebuilt the first Koidenover yeshiva since the rise of Communism. His Mosdos are also heavily involved in kiruv and chesed projects such as the Pre-Pesach maos chitim campaign. The Rebbe's bais midrash on Dizengoff Street in Tel Aviv attracts Jews of all backgrounds.

This marks the Rebbe’s first visit to the Five Towns.
Check out Dixie Yid for the schedule and contact info to schedule an appointment to meet with the Rebbe-- or for more information.

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