Thursday, January 03, 2008

Take Action: Saudi Blogger Arrested

Here is a chance to encourage change in Saudi Arabia.

From Catalunya.ffw:
Saudi police arrested Fouad Al-Farhan three weeks ago. Fouad is a blogger and entrepreneur who praised reformists and criticised the Kingdom policies.

I suggest we send an e-mail protesting to the Saudi ambassador in Brussels.

More info and model text here
The Washington Post reported about this on December 31:
Saudi Arabia's most popular blogger, Fouad al-Farhan, has been detained for questioning, an Interior Ministry spokesman confirmed Monday. It was the first known arrest of an online critic in the kingdom.

Farhan, 32, who used his blog to criticize corruption and call for political reform, was detained "for violating rules not related to state security," according to the spokesman, Maj. Gen. Mansour al-Turki, responding to repeated requests for comment with a brief cellphone text message.

Farhan's Dec. 10 arrest was reported last week on the Internet and has been condemned by bloggers in Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and Bahrain. The Saudi news media have not yet reported the arrest, but more than 200 bloggers in the kingdom have criticized Farhan's detention, and a group of supporters have set up a Free Fouad Web site
Check out The Free Fouad site.
Contact info for the Saudi embassy is here.

Sandmonkey writes about the situation in Pajamas Media
There is a letter writing campaign with a letter you can edit and send to
  • Prince Saud Al-Faisal, Saudi Foreign Affairs Minister
  • Adel Al-Jubair, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the US
  • Nicholas Burns, US Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs
  • Ford Fraker, US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia
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