Tuesday, April 04, 2006

When Palestinians Mirror Our Actions

There was something about Treppenwitz's post--Ibrahim's mirror--that made me wonder.

As a result of opposition to the Rambam's Moreh Nevuchim:

Three leading rabbis in France denounced his books to the Dominicans, who headed the French Inquisition. The Inquisitors were only too happy to intervene and burn the books. Eight years later, when the Dominicans started burning the Talmud...

Once the goyim saw how Jews were willing to burn their own religious books, they had no reason to hold back from doing the same.

One of the points Treppenwitz touches upon is the use of European tourists by Palestinian Arabs to plant trees in order to erode the claim of an Israeli to his land.

Couldn't those same Palestinians have done the same thing themselves?

I wonder if over the years, after various Israeli politicians and groups have actively encouraged European influence--and donations--in various causes that pushed certain agendas in Israel, perhaps the Palestinians have picked up on the idea of using outsiders to push their own agenda as well.

(See also In This Game, No One Is Called For Interference)

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