Thursday, May 11, 2006

Links Early Thursday Morning

Does insomnia cause blogging...or is it the other way around...
Here are some links.
Decide for yourself.

o Life-Of-Rubin has this sketch of the man who attacked a woman in Lakewood with contact info if you spot him

o WestBankBlog is asking for bloggers to share their story on why they made the decision to make Aliyah.

o Bookworm Room announces The First Neo-Con/Crypto-Con Carnival

o AbbaGav has a post about what we can do to see that Alaa Ahmed Seif al-Islam is freed.

o Adloyada warns about the upcoming new attempt to boycott Israeli universities.

o A Simple Jew who has just finished his caffeine detox experiment, posts a chassidic story about coffee with links to more

o The Astute Blogger has a post on the latest doings at the UN, especially who's on the UN Human Rights Council

o Biur Chametz is looking for the solution to The problem of celebrating a national-religious Yom Ha'atzmaut

o Boker Tov, Boulder! relays what Kadima is doing to ensure the approval of the evacuation of the West Bank

o ConservaJew shares frustration on recent events.

o Crossing The Rubicon writes about The War Against Imperial Islam

o Elder of Ziyon has a post on how the US and EU have caved on giving aid to Hamas.

o Erica's Blog can help if you've been wondering what ever happened to Gabe Kaplan from Welcom Back Kotter.

o The Hashmonean has a post on Israeli readiness for Iran

o Heichal HaNegina has a post on Artists and Musicians buildin bridges from North America to Israel

o The Ignoble Experiment, aka Live Dangerously! shares her thoughts--and photos--on VE Day

o I'm Haaretz, Ph.D. hits gold and finds a bug in her lettuce.

o Israel Perspectives relates a personal experience and story about Lost and Found in the Holy Land

o Israel Matzav believes the US and EU did not cave as much as some say.

o Jack's Shack has more on the history of birthdays than you will ever need to know.

o Judeopundit has his own list of linkim, and quotes from an article that is optimistic on how the war on terrorism is going.

o Le Mont De Sisyphe has a post on the Nazi ties to the Palestinian Arabs

o Letters of Thought relates a story on the possible influence of Isaac Asimov on Chabad

o Life-Of-Rubin has a list of links too.

o me-ander is working on the 6th edition of the Kosher Cooking Carnival

o Mere Rhetoric writes about Anti-Semitism at University of California Irvine (and Moslems who fear the threat of the 'sinister,' 'terrorist'...Hillel)

o Mirty's Place shares the Mirty Theory of Inverse Need and Get

o Perspectives of a Nomad has a post on the job the White House is doing in the area of intelligence in the war against terrorism

o Psycho Toddler has a nephew who came in first in the Diaspora in the Chidon Hatanach in Israel--Mazal Tov!

o SerandEz has some thoughts about the Jewish leadership and banning the Internet.

o Shiloh Musings has a post on Jerusalem vs. Tel Aviv

o Simply Jews relays the latest from the Chief Rabbinate that Buffalo meat is kosher

o Smooth Stone has a post on exploding the myth of Palestinian victimhood.

o Soccer Dad has a post of the many spoofs of the Ahmadinejad letter to Bush

o The Sunken Synagogue, who will be making Aliyah in a month and a half, catches up on some thoughts.

o Treppenwitz shares a story about the 'Moose and squirrel' test.

o Meryl Yourish has a list of links of her own and the latest on the Palestinian civil war.

Technorati Tag: and and .


  1. Your nightly insomnia feeds my daily boredom. Baruch haShem-- it is a mitzvot. You are a genius.

    Rock on...

  2. Very nice. Well done.

  3. Very nice list - thanks for the mention.


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