Thursday, May 11, 2006

Taking After Her Old Man

Last week, I went for a walk with my 6-year old daughter--just the two of us.
Well, she also took along her son: a doll name Chaim, whose 'nickname' she says is 'Chana.'
...I didn't ask.

On the way back, my daughter came across a bird feather, which she picked up and put away.
I never saw her take it out again.

Then my wife told me why.
It turns out that my daughter took the feather to school--and traded it to a friend.
For a dollar.

Not a bad trade.
Runs in the family.

I remember my first year in summer camp I found a microphone.
A kid in my bunk offered to trade me for it.
As I remember, there were 2 things he gave me for it. One of them I cannot remember.
The other was a book filled with episodes of Mad Magazine's Spy vs. Spy, which I held on to and re-read for many, many years.

Yup, my daughter and I.
Birds of a feather--what a talent.
...Can't wait till she starts asking for an allowance.

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