Sunday, July 23, 2006

Haveil Havalim #79 Is Up!

This week Life of Rubin is hosting Haveil Havalim #79

This weeks Haveil Havalim has a huge selection of links in the following categories:
  • Basics
  • Washington/Politics/Media
  • Live-Blogging
  • Images of War
  • Israel
  • Standing Strong with Israel
  • Judaism
  • Tzedakah/Charity
  • On a Lighter Note ...
  • Misc.
As Soccer Dad has noted:

On a general note, if you're interested in Jewish and Israel related blogging a number of Jewish bloggers have been doing they're best to stay on top of events.

Israelly Cool!, the Muqata, Greetings from French Hill .

Israel Matzav and Meryl Yourish are blogging ferociously too.

West Bank Mama's somewhere in the middle.

Daled Amos has been compiling lists of organizations devoted to helping.

There's an Israelly Rally Central at JBlogosphere. (The anti-Israel rallies made the news yesterday at CBS.) There's also a call for e-mails for English speaking soldiers. And for a more complete list check here.

And finally, as mentioned before, Cross-Currents has initiated a prayer initiative.

At this time of peril for it's impressive the way the Jewish blogosphere's come together to provide information and support.

You can submit your entries to Haveil Havalim using either Conservative Cat's submission form or the submission form over at BlogCarnival. You can also e-mail Soccer Dad at dhgerstman at hotmail dot com.

Remember, if you want a better chance of being included in Haveil Havalim please submit one or two posts for inclusion. (And please don't submit everything or nearly everything you posted in a week. Winnowing out your best posts takes time.)

Listed at the Truth Laid Bear Ubercarnival.

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