Sunday, December 10, 2006

Ahmadinejad Can't Get No Respect--Even Outside of Iran

Gateway Pundit notes protests against Ahmadinejad in Afghanistan. He links to a report from
Hundreds of people in the western Farah province on Saturday staged a protest demonstration against the remarks of Iranian President Mahmood Ahmadinejad and Pakistan's Foreign Minister Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri and termed it interference in the internal affairs of Afghanistan.

Addressing the protestors, acting governor and police chief of the province Brig Gen Sayed Aqa Saqib said they had condemned the statements because it was tantamount to interference in their country.

Saqib said the Iranian president should focus on his own country. Regarding the remarks by the Pakistani FM, he said Afghanistan would never accept any country as its master.
Gateway Pundit quotes one poll that finds almost 90% of Afghanis think the invasion was a good thing and in another poll 75% think their quality of life has improved.

These days, it seems that Ahmadinejad cannot get anything right.

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