Sunday, December 10, 2006

Haveil Havalim #97 Is Up At Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts is hosting the 97th edition of Haveil Havalim, featuring the usual wide and plentiful assortment of posts from across the JBlogosphere. This week includes posts on

Also note that Treppenwitz, Elder of Ziyon, Dry Bones, Town Crier and my Wandering Thoughts are all up for a Weblog award. Please go and vote for one of them.

You can find the voting for Treppenwitz and EOZ here, Dry Bones over here, Town Crier here and Random Thoughts here.

You can always submit one or two of your best Israel or Judaism related posts to dhgerstman at hotmail dot com.

If you'd like to host an upcoming edition you can e-mail Soccer Dad at the same address.

You can also submit entries to Haveil Havalim using either Conservative Cat's submission form or the submission form at BlogCarnival.

Listed at the Truth Laid Bear Ubercarnival.

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