Sunday, April 08, 2007

THE WINOGRAD COMMISSION--THE FIX IS IN: So writes Amir Oren in Haaretz:
The terms of reference that established the Winograd Committee is formulated craftily. The preamble states that the committee shall submit "findings, conclusions and also recommendations, as it sees fit, regarding the political echelon and the defense establishment." However, in the binding clauses of this mandate, the politicians evaporate and the army is left alone in the field. With regard to the political echelon, the committee is authorized to examine and come up with "findings and conclusions"; with regard to the defense establishment - "findings, conclusions, and also submit recommendations, as it sees fit."

Vive la difference. When it comes to the chief of staff, the GOC Northern Command, the director of Military Intelligence, the GOC Home Front and the divisional commanders, the committee can recommend that they be dismissed (or, alternately, reinstated, if their resignation was unjustified). The prime minister is "above" recommendation.
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